Radio Andorra Georges Maltot over RCF Reims 

As part of the weekly program called  "Culture et Loisirs" (Culture & Leasure) proposed  by  Fabrice Gironnet and broadcast by french FM station RCF Reims, Georges Maltot, former Radio Andorra speaker & reporter, discussed the history of Radio Andorra (in french). 
The first broascast is about the history of Radio Andorra, from the start in 1939. 

Listen to this 1st broadcast - Using RealPlayer

The second broadcast is about the 60's when Georges Maltot was actually working for Radio Andorra.

Listen to this 2nd broadcast - Using RealPlayer

Broadcasting schedule :

1st: 26/12/07
and 28/12/07

2nd: 2/01/08
and 5/01/08

87,9 MHz

    Program prepared with the help of website

F5NSL homepage                    ----------Radio Andorra page